
Library Experience

May 2023 – present: Collections Librarian
University of Toronto Scarborough
• Overseeing archives and special collections for the library
• Working with independent booksellers and library vendors

April 2022 – May 2023: Collection Development Librarian 
University of Toronto Scarborough
• Working on special collections projects for the university

January 2022 – December 2023: Professor 
Seneca College
• Teaching various courses in the Library and Information Technician program

April 2018 – March 2022: Collection Development Librarian 
Ontario College of Art and Design University
• Overseeing library collections for the university
• Maintaining and analyzing library statistics
• Providing reference services to students and faculty
• Handling donations and weeding projects
• Promoting library collections

September 2016 – April 2018: Coordinator, e-Reserves and Learning Zone 
Ontario College of Art and Design University
• Programming and promoting special events and workshops
• Coordinate e-Reserves services for faculty, manage copyright clearances, assist with development of policy and procedures for e-reserves service
• Coordinate the Learning Zone space, including training, scheduling, and supervision of student monitors and interns
• Catalogue zines in the zine library; organizing migration of catalogue to ArtStor Shared Shelf
• Maintain social media presence for the Learning Zone & the Library

October 2013 – September 2016: E-Reserves and Learning Zone Technician
Ontario College of Art and Design University
• Provide e-reserves services for faculty, scan and process e-reserve texts, assist with management of copyright clearances and royalties, assist with development of policy and procedures for e-reserves service
• Assist in the Learning Zone, including training, scheduling, and supervision of student monitors and interns
• Catalogue zines in the zine library, review cataloguing work of interns
• Maintain social media presence for the Learning Zone on Twitter and Facebook

January 2013 – present: Programmer
Librarian & Educator Day — Toronto Comic Arts Festival
• Co-programming the Toronto Comic Arts Festival’s sessions for librarians and educators
• Moderating sessions and helping with logistics for the day

January 2013 – December 2014: Viewpoints Editor
Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research
• Seek out and assign opinion pieces on library and information issues
• Edit a non-peer reviewed section of the magazine
• Staying up-to-date on news and issues of importance to library and information professionals

September 2012 – December 2013: Library Services Coordinator
The Beguiling/Little Island Comics
• Managing existing customer accounts for schools and public libraries
• Selling comics to librarians in-store, over the phone and at trade shows
• Delighting customers — both kids and adults — at Little Island Comics
• Acting as a resource and advocate for comics as a key component of library collections

September 2011 – October 2013: Reference Student Intern
Dorothy H. Hoover Library, Ontario College of Art and Design University
• Launching a reading club and related displays and activities to promote the library’s collections and to create opportunities for students
• Helping students to find resources in art, design, architecture, humanities and other disciplines
• Researching and recommending an online cataloguing system (Omeka) for the zine collection
• Operating the online Ask a Librarian service once a week to help patrons at various universities

2009 – 2012: Zine collection consultant 
Toronto Reference Library
• Consulting and donating zines to help build the collection
• Giving talks about the collection and zine culture to raise awareness and encourage use of the collection

September 2011 – August 2012: Graduate Student Reference Assistant
Noranda Earth Sciences Library, University of Toronto
• Cataloguing “grey literature” such as research and government reports
• Providing reference assistance for students in person and via email
• Creating LibGuides to help students learn to use the library catalogue

February 2012 – April 2012: Practicum Student
Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto
• Analyzing materials in the new Indigenous Perspectives collection and creating finding aids to make the collection accessible to researchers and students
• Creating a research guide for students studying Aboriginal Law

October 2010 – July 2011: Reference Volunteer
Hart House Library
• Creating collection development and weeding recommendations for the Canadian Fiction section
• Launching a zine collection and creating guidelines for how to manage and catalogue this collection

January 2011 – July 2011: Children’s Library Volunteer  
St. Felix Centre
• Cataloguing, weeding and sorting the materials in the library
• Reading and playing literacy games with children to encourage them to develop reading skills and to increase their enjoyment of reading

April – June 2011: Practicum Student  
Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre Library
• Cataloguing and circulating library material using Mandarin Library Automation software
• Creating descriptions of library materials for the website
• Helping patrons to find resources

Selected Arts, Management & Editorial Experience

2023 – present: Editorial Board Member
Spacing magazine
• Contributing ideas and planning future issues

2014 – 2016: Editorial Board Member
Broken Pencil magazine
• Contributing ideas and advice to the editorial team
• Planning events and special projects for the magazine

2006 – 2014: Editor
Broken Pencil magazine
• Managing a staff of ten and over fifty freelance contributors
• Keeping up with zine community trends
• Planning, editing and publishing a 72-page magazine about independent arts, independent publishing and DIY culture four times a year.

2006 – 2014: Programmer
Canzine: Canada’s largest zine fair and festival of independent culture
• Co- running a yearly zine fair with over 150 vendors and averaging 1,000 attendees
• Programming and running events such as panel discussions, readings, contests and workshops on the subject of zines, independent publishing and DIY culture.

2007 – 2010: Senior Writer
Realscreen magazine
• Covering the international documentary film and television industry
• Writing and editing a regular newsletter
• Attending and covering industry-related events
• Working the magazine’s own documentary industry events, the Realscreen Summit and the Factual Entertainment Forum

2005 – 2007: Circulation Administrator
Playback and Realscreen magazines
• Researching Canadian film and international documentary industry professionals
• Maintaining a database of subscribers

2003 – 2007: Co-organizer, Film Programmer and Zine Fair Coordinator
Brampton Indie Arts Festival
• Programming films, organizing the festival’s mini zine fair and suggesting additional arts programming
• Managing a staff of volunteers
• Bringing arts and culture to youth in Brampton

2002 – 2008: Co-founder and Associate Editor
Spacing magazine
• Launching and helping to build and manage a magazine about urban and public space issues
• Building a distribution strategy
• Planning and executing launch parties, managing volunteers to run the events
• Editing the front of the book and some feature articles

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